WPS Digital Resources
Resources available 24/7 to all WPS students
WPS students have access to an impressive variety of digital resources, which are accessible in or out of school, 24/7, from any device with an Internet connection. Students are encouraged to use these resources for both personal and classroom-related inquiries. Please contact the school's Library/Media Specialist for questions and passwords.

Boundless by Baker & Taylor eBooks
WPS offers an Elementary and Middle/High School eBook collection, both of which can be accessed via any computer Internet browser, or on the free Boundless app on any smart phone or tablet. Students can access the collections using their district-assigned Google user names and passwords. For more information and links to this, visit the Ebook Collections page.
WPS Library Catalog
This database allows you to search the Wahoo Elementary and Wahoo Middle/High School library collections. Students can also log in using their district-assigned Google user names and passwords to monitor what they have checked out, place holds, compile reading lists, and submit book reviews.
BookFlix (elementary only)
Scholastic BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction.
Clever (elementary only)
Clever is a single sign-on page for elementary students used for a variety of apps. Once students sign on to Clever, they will have easy access to all of the databases in the district. Upper elementary students should know their user names and passwords.
Code.org (elementary only)
This is the computer programming curriculum used in our computer lab for all students grades K-6. Students access Code.org by logging into their Clever accounts.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education is a robust collection of high-quality digital resources for all grade levels and subject areas. Students must log into Discovery Education by clicking the "Sign in with Google" button, using their district-assigned Google user names and passwords (elementary students can access Discovery Education by logging into their Clever accounts).
EduTyping (grades 4-6 only)
Our online keyboarding program used for grades 4-6. Students are encouraged to practice these schools as much as possible. Students access EduTyping by logging into their Clever accounts.
Gale-Cengage Learning
A great collection of 5 different databases for research, for students grades K-12.
IXL (grades 3-11 only)
Grade-level specific content for math, language arts, and science. Students can access IXL using their district-assigned Google user names and passwords (elementary students can access IXL by logging into their Clever accounts). Please email WPS Director of Learning Dr. Josh Snyder (jsnyder@wahoowarriors.org) if you have any questions.
Provided by the Nebraska Library Commission, NebraskAccess provides free online access to thousands of full-text magazines, journals, newspapers, and much more. The password changes yearly so contact your school's Library/Media Specialist if you need assistance.
OnToCollege (high school)
WHS students are encouraged to access OnToCollege's online suite of ACT study materials. This collection of practice quizzes, tests and study videos is put together by John Baylor. New units of practice have recently been added to the collection, including an ACT refresher course, a PSAT/SAT course as well as a study and test-taking tips course. Students log into OnToCollege with their district-assigned email address and password. Please email WHS Counselor John Harris (jharris@wahoowarriors.org) if you have any questions.
Starfall (grades K-3)
A fun, interactive reading and language arts resource for grades K-3 students. Students access Starfall by logging into their Clever accounts.
ThinkCentral (elementary only)
An online textbook enhancement for our elementary reading, math, and science curriculum. Students access ThinkCentral by logging into their Clever accounts.
Vocabulary.com (grades 4-12)
An awesome way for students to continue to improve their vocabulary! Students can access the collections using their district-assigned Google user names and passwords.
World Book (grades Prek-12)
A comprehensive collection of numerous different databases for grades preK-12, including: World Book Kids (elem. encyclopedia), World Book Student (ms encyclopedia), World Book Advanced (hs encyclopedia), Living Green, World Languages (1 French & 2 Spanish databases), World Book Discover, Early Peoples, Inventions & Discoveries, Dramatic Learning, and Early World of Learning (Pre-kindergarten). Students can access Clever by logging into their Clever accounts.
NOTE: Some of the above links are accessible through clever, others require a password. Some of those passwords are available from the Database Password page which is accessible only to users with a school email. To access the Database Password page, enter your email credentials.NOTE: Some of the above links are accessible through clever, others require a password. Some of those passwords are available from the Database Password page which is accessible only to users with a school email. To access the Database Password page, enter your email credentials. |
Additional Resource Links:
Crash Course YouTube Channel (free educational videos covering a wide variety of subjects)
Early Childhood Resources (University of Washington)
Khan Academy (a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.)
MysteryDoug.com (Mystery Science)
Scholastic Learn at Home (free from Scholastic: "Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going with these special cross-curricular journeys. Every day includes four separate learning experiences, each built around a thrilling, meaningful story or video. Kids can do them on their own, with their families, or with their teachers. Just find your grade level and let the learning begin!")