'YAP' Offered through Blue Valley Mental Health Center to Assist Students Exhibiting At-Risk Behaviors
Service Offered at No Cost to Families
The Program is Designed to:
* Assist youth who are identified by school teams as exhibiting risk behaviors which interfere with their ability to learn. Influencing factors may include: drug/alcohol use, family conflicts, behavioral or emotional problems, peer conflict, change in performance at school.
* Attempt to work with these youth and/or the family to minimize the impact of risk factors.
* Facilitate the youth's participation in more comprehensive treatment services by assessing the student's needs.
* Provide a prevention service to the community at no charge to the family or the school.
* Be a reintegration program for youth returning from treatment facilities.
The Program Is:
* NOT treatment or therapy for these issues.
* NOT intended to take the place of interventions with youth and families that are carried out by the school teams.
* A (1) signed parent or guardian consent form, (2) a behavioral checklist or similar summary of the school team concerns, and (3) demographic information must be made available to the YAP counselor prior to the first student contact.
* Students are referred to this program by the school team after the team has made an interview with student and/or family and if that intervention deduced the need for YAP.
* School will provide a suitable location for meeting with the student.
* The student will be assessed over a period of one to six sessions depending upon the nature of the issue.
* The school team will be kept abreast of the progress with the student and family and a summary will be provided when services are complete.
* If treatment or additional services are deemed necessary, the YAP counselor will inform the team and family and make the necessary referrals. Barriers to treatment will be addressed as feasible.
For more information, or to obtain a permission/consent form,
please contact WHS Counselor John Harris at (402) 443-4332 ext. 3229, or email him at jharris@wahoowarriors.org.