2021-2022 Robotics Club now accepting registrations
STEAM club open to all 6th-12th grade students; Registration forms now being accepted!
photo from Creative Commons (courtesy Fumi Yamazaki on www.flickr.com)
The Robotics Club starts in June 2021 for students in 6th-12th grades.
The club will meet once a week and as needed, with the schedule being set by the coaches/sponsors. We will be following all Three Rivers Health Department and the State of Nebraska mandated health directives. Teams will practice in Wahoo at the SMC garage located behind Dairy Queen. The cost is $300 per student for the year, which includes the cost of the parts, technology and VEX team registration. We anticipate additional tournament fees. This will vary for each team depending upon how many tournaments they participate in. Please click the below link to access the registration form:
Registration forms are now being accepted! You can drop the form and fees at one of the schools in an envelope marked “Robotics.” To mail your registration form, please send to:
Wahoo High School
ATTN: Robotics
2201 North Locust Street
Wahoo, NE 68066
Spots are limited this first year, so please sign up ASAP (First come, first serve).
Robotics Club Information
The Robotics Club competes in VEX EDR, which is focused just on Robotics (not other types of environmental programs) and is a program for students in middle school through college. For more information, go to http://www.vexrobotics.com/vex.
STUDENTS: Teams will consist of 2-4 students and 1-2 team facilitators/leaders (usually a parent volunteer). The teams will meet one time per week for 2 hours from June 2020 to February 2021 with competitions being held on weekends from October to April. If families have more than one child in the Robotics Club, the parents have the option to have them on the same team if the team members are in the same age group.
TEAM FACILITATOR/SPECIALTY ADVISORS: Individuals who are interested in serving as a Robotics facilitator or advisor do not need special robotics training - any type of computer, electronics or technical background is helpful, but not required. There will be training on the facilitation and advising process for interested adults prior to the season. The team facilitator and advisors help to facilitate the students through the process of building robots; they should not be building robots. We need 1-2 facilitators for each team. Tentative training date and time will be determined later.
COST: The fee for each student is $300 per year to help offset the costs of robots, technology, and team registration with VEXRobotics. Fees may vary depending on the club needs.
Questions: Contact Theresa Dumont at theresabarger@hotmail.com or Marc Kaminski at mkaminski@wahoowarriors.org
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide a positive learning environment for our youth to learn and become excited about science, technology, engineering and math utilizing the (STEM) approach.
1. Have fun and learn about science
2. Build a working robot that meets competition specs and game rules
3. Compete in tournaments
COMMUNICATION: Communication is a key component to a successful club. We will utilize email and text messages as our main method of communicating information to all or our parents. Please make sure we have the correct emails and phone numbers for everyone who needs our information. If you are unable to access email or receive text messages, please let us know so we can get you the information another way. Please let us know if you have any questions/concerns/ideas.
WEBSITES: Here are some of the websites we will use as reference for this year. We will be participating in VEX EDR, so when you go to these websites, click on the links with "EDR."
PRACTICES: Individual teams will often set their own practice schedule as needed. We need one adult team facilitator from each team present at all practices.
EQUIPMENT: There will be no equipment that students need to bring to each practice. All safety goggles and ear protection will be provided. Please wear old clothes. Closed toe shoes are also recommended. We have a chop saw, grinder, and some hand held power tools. Our first practice will include a mandatory safety session. If your student chooses to bring their own tools, please make sure they are marked with your name. We cannot be responsible for lost or stolen tools.
UNIFORMS: There are no uniform requirements. Many teams get matching t-shirts, often times with their sponsor logos on the back. Some teams will also come up with costume like attire that matches their name. Example: Mad scientist wearing white lab coats. We have a team T-shirt and each registered student will receive one free.
VOLUNTEERS: We have a great group of parents and kids with lots of support shown in many ways. Practices for now are open to parents and anyone who wants to learn along with us about the robotics process. Anyone interested in being on the Board or helping with practices please let us know. We need at least one team facilitator from each team present during every practice.
TOURNAMENTS: At www.robotevents.com you can find a list of local tournaments and we encourage you to attend as a spectator if your schedule allows. Team participation in competitions will be at the team facilitator’s discretion.
FUNDRAISING: We are always open to ideas and suggestions on funding for our club. For more complete details please ask a current board member. Start-up cost for one team is generally in the $3,000-$5,000 range. If you have an employer or are willing to make a donation to our club, please see a board member.
FEE SUMMARY: $300 will help cover supplies, T-shirts, and tournament registrations.