Sawyer Lavaley named a 2025 National Merit Finalist!
Lavaley is the latest Wahoo High School student to receive this honor!
Congratulations to Sawyer Lavaley, who was named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation recently released their list of seniors that celebrates the nation’s academic elite. Lavaley is the latest Wahoo High School student to receive this honor. Sawyer will be awarded his scholarship later this spring. He has announced that he will attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln next fall.
“Sawyer is a dedicated, hard-working student who has always been focused on his academics. His commitment to achievement in the classroom, not only reflects his dedication and intelligence, but also spotlights him as a role model for future students at Wahoo High School. Sawyer is comfortable in his own skin and is not afraid to be his authentic self,” said Wahoo High School Principal, Vernon Golladay.
“Wahoo High School is incredibly proud of Sawyer,” said Golladay. “He is an outstanding student and sets a great example for others to follow. This recognition is a significant achievement, reflecting his intelligence, tenacity, and diligence. I am confident he will find success in whatever field he chooses.”
Congratulations again, Sawyer, on this well-deserved honor!