High School Student Council Wins $500 in "Click-It-Don't-Risk-It" Campaign
State-Wide Competition Sponsored by Nat'l Safety Council & NE Office of Highway Safety
Student Council wins $500 from Click-It-Don’t-Risk-It
On Thursday, May 20, members of Wahoo High School’s Student Council were awarded $500 from the statewide Click-It-Don’t-Risk-It campaign sponsored by the National Safety Council and the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety.
The Click-It-Don’t-Risk-It campaign challenged high schools from across the state to complete at least two random seatbelt checks throughout the year, as well as raise awareness about the importance of wearing seatbelts.
In January and March, student council conducted each of their seatbelt checks in both the staff and student parking lots. Stickers were handed out and signs were hung in the parking lot and in the school to raise awareness.
Safety belt compliance increased from 74 percent in January to 81 percent in March. These results were then reported to Click-It-Don’t-Risk-It, and Wahoo High School was selected as one of the lucky winners of the $500.
According to the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, teens account for only 7 percent of drivers on the road, but nearly 25 percent of the accidents. This statewide campaign serves to promote seatbelt awareness and safe driving practices.
Student Council was honored to be a part of it and plans on participating again next year.