FBLA Members Attend 47th Annual State Leadership Conference in Omaha
Brodahl Takes 2nd Place in Spelling Competition
Eight Wahoo High School students and their adviser traveled to the Holiday Convention Center in Omaha to join 2050 other Nebraska Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members and advisers for the 47th annual State Leadership Conference.
We had three seniors who took part in the Job Interview competition. They were Ethan Brock, Mallory Shanahan, and Jordan Hinrichs. They each had to prepare a resume, cover letter, and job application before the competition and then were interviewed by a professional interviewer at State. All three received a high percentage grade.
In addition to the testing and job interviews, the conference consists of attending various seminars, three general assemblies, electing of state officers, and a dance. With the exception of the dance, the students are required to be dressed in business attire at all times. During their free time, the students were able to find time to hone their PS3 skills, some swimming at CoCo Key and the hotel swimming pools, connecting with old friends, and making new friends.
Those attending were Ethan Brock, Jordan Hinrichs, Molly Jones, Mallory Shanahan, Kristin Daniel, Michael Kersten, Emily Brodahl, Allie Wonka, and adviser Barb Shanahan.