Local Attorney Addresses Freshman World History Classes on Liberty Day
Lindahl Speaks on U. S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
Pop quiz! In the words of former WHS Social Sciences Teacher Mik Anderson, "Keep your scrawny eyeballs on your own paper--this is not a community exercise!"
1.) Who is remembered as the father of the Constitution? 2.) When was the Declaration of Independence signed? 3.) What are the first three words of the Constitution? 4.) How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?
Did you pass? The freshman World History class would have--that is if they had been paying attention to Wahoo attorney Loren Lindahl, who came to speak on March 15, 2006. Lindahl spoke on the topic of the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. How and why they came to be and basic information on the nation's historic documents were covered.
The occasion for this was Liberty Day, a day recognized in 2000 by the US Congress as a "theme day" for schools. The day was set aside for teachers to educate students about the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Booklets of the two documents were issued to the students for reference.
For all of you civics buffs out there, the quiz answers are as follows: 1.) James Madison (whose birthday is used for Liberty Day), 2.) July 4, 1776, 3.) We the People, 4.) The first ten amendments to the Constitution.