Turtle replaces bulls & bears in Homes' winning t-shirt design for '17 Stock Market Game
WHS sophomore's creation chosen from state-wide submissions
The Nebraska Stock Market Game Banquet of Champions: that’s where you would find WHS sophomore Macy Homes, who was invited to attend for creating the winning t-shirt design for the 2016-2017 Stock Market Game!
Each year Mrs. Barb Shanahan’s Economics classes participate in the Stock Market Game, sponsored by the Nebraska Council on Economic Education. This year 24 teams from Wahoo High School took part. The game consists of each team investing $100,000 of play money in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, and a t-shirt design contest.
“This year we had a couple of teams that would bounce back and forth from first place through fourth place throughout the 13 weeks. A team has to be in the top three to place in the game and be invited to attend the Banquet of Champions, so we were really excited,” Shanahan said.
However, on the final day of trading, out of 309 teams, our two highest valued teams were in 8th place with $108,215.35 and 9th place with $107,797.59.
“The students were disappointed, but were able to experience first-hand the volatility of the stock market,” Shanahan added.
During the game, each student created a design for the Stock Market Game t-shirt contest. The WHS Econ students vote on the top ten designs to submit to the Economic Council. The Council then chooses one from all participating school submittals. This year’s winning design was drawn by Homes!
Homes, Shanahan and many of Homes’ family attended the banquet, which was held on Wednesday, May 2, 2017 at the UNL Nebraska Alumni Champions Club. Everyone who attended the banquet received a t-shirt with Macy’s design.
Homes is shown receiving her certificate from Jennifer Davidson, President of the Nebraska Council on Economic Education, as her winning design is projected on the screen.